Stories on Pure Language : THE TOWER OF BABEL
Playwright , Director : Satoshi Ago
Dramaturge: Masaki Nakamasa [Professor(PhD.)Faculty of Law University of Kanazawa]
Cast : Hiroshi Ota [kamuyyassen] , Satoshi Ago

Venue:Kyoto Art Center
Date : September, 26 (Fri) – 28 (Sun) , 2014

2014,Kyoto Art Center


Playwright,Director and Actor: Satoshi Ago | Dramaturge: Masaki Nakamasa [Professor(PhD.)Faculty of Law University of Knazawa]
Stage Manager: Kazushi Ota,Shuji Hamamura | Lighting Design:Akane Ikebe|Sound Co-ordination:Yasutaka Kobayakawa |Video production:Tadashi Mitani(PixelEngine LLC.) | Special Effects Make-up:Yasue Hara |Deshign:Yukio Takeuchi |Production coordinator: Miwako Inoue(ARTCABINET)
Organized by Satoshi Ago |Co-produced byKyoto Art Center |Supported by The Saison Foundation ,Japan Arts Council |Production Co-operation: atelier GEKKEN
Playwright,Director : Satoshi Ago | Dramaturge: Masaki Nakamasa [Professor(PhD.)Faculty of Law University of Knazawa] |Cast : Hiroshi Ota [kamuyyassen] , Satoshi Ago
Stage Manager : Shuji Hamamura | Stage Design:Hideaki Shimada |Lighting Design:Akane Ikebe|Sound Co-ordination:Yasutaka Kobayakawa | Special Effects Make-up,Prosthetics effects:Yasue Hara |Deshign:Yukio Takeuchi |Production coordinator: Miwako Inoue(ARTCABINET)
Organized by Satoshi Ago |Supported by The Saison Foundation ,Japan Arts Council |Production Co-operation: atelier GEKKEN